Summer is Coming to a Close!

We cannot believe it is already August.  Where does summer go?!  Every year, it feels like it is gone before it even starts and we always feel like our summer bucket lists are barely scratched.

But, as summer draws to a close and we start to prep for kids going to back to school, cooler temps, different schedules, etc., we take time to reflect back on all that we have been able to do these few short months.  From weddings to trade shows, SUPing, camping, hiking and other fun adventures to awe inspiring wildlife encounters and BBQs with great friends, we’ve packed a lot into our often times chaotic schedule.  And it is those moments and memories that we are forever grateful for.

So as we get closer to the Fall season, and our brand partners are calling us about Fall shipments (coming soon!), let’s celebrate what is left of summer!  We could not think of a better way to celebrate than to offer you fantastic savings on Spring 2015 styles.  Consider it our gift to you for being fantastic and loyal customers.

Cheers to what is left of summer and cheers to you!

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